Saturday, June 9, 2012

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The Most Power full Pictures

The Difference Between Poor and Rich in Brazil

Artificial Air Port
Although the Water of a Lake in US is so Cristal that it looks shallow actually it is very deep
A view from 108 tower balcony
A heaven on the earth in Bhutan
A river over a river in Germany
Water density of two sees is different that they didn't merge as mentioned in Qur'an that Two sour and sweet water didn't meet.
World's tallest ride
The border marked between Netherlands and Belgium through a Restaurant
The Worlds longest ever bridge is build in China
An American Soldier greets his son after she returns from Iraqi War
Earth rises on the moon
Down view of Burj ul Khalifa
The view from Burj ul khalifa Dubai
Family Photo
The world's largest traffic jam was recorded in china which was 260 km long
Bowing trees
Strange Airport in Gibraltar


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