Sunday, September 16, 2012

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Is Pakistan a Center of Grand Chess Board

In this video, Saad Ali a Pakistani Origin, states that more than 3,000 Pakistan civilians, 200 of them children, have been killed by drone attacks. “President Barack Obama has authorized 311 drone strikes in Pakistan since he took office in 2009.” 

The first drone attack was ordered just 3 days after his inauguration on January 20, 2009, resulting in the deaths of 19 innocent civilians, including four children. 

While Q&A with Hilary Clinton, a Pakistani woman asks, “How do you expect the people of Pakistan not to have anti-American sentiments when day in and day out we hear about drone attacks that kill more innocent people than militants?” 

Hillary answered that, “I do not believe that there is any basis for your comment. There has been a lot of focus on doing what is necessary to protect Pakistan, to protect Afghanistan, and to protect Americans.” 

Ali explains that the American people look at the people in Pakistan and wonder why they hate us so much. The deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians might have something to do with it. But the US government is blaming these deaths on Al Qeada and the war on terror and calling them collateral damage. 

The US government is also refusing to admit they’re doing anything wrong and refuses to release the legal documentation showing justification for the drone strikes.


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