Thursday, May 10, 2012

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Obama Supports Gay Marriage

Washington : As American politics is warming up with coming election, Barrack Obama has put up a gambling step to warm his campaign by supporting gay marriage. 

In an interview to ABC news channel which sparked a seismic wave through out the world Mr Barack Obama said, “I’ve just concluded, for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,”Obama said, unveiling his bombshell.

He has always had trouble connecting with white, blue collar, socially conservative swing voters, and Wednesday’s move will hardly help.

A case in point is North Carolina, which Obama won by less than one percent in 2012. On Tuesday 61 percent in the state voted to ban gay marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships.

Some observers feel Obama could face a backlash from religious Hispanic and African-American voters, who helped sweep him into the White House in 2008.


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